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Working Papers/Work in Progress

PLUS or Minus? The Effect of Graduate School Loans on Access, Attainment, and Prices, NBER Working Paper #31291, May 2023. Under revision for Journal of Political Economy. (Joint with Lesley J. Turner and Jeffrey T. Denning.) Online Appendix here.
In the news: Hechinger Report, Forbes
Intergenerational Transmission of Lifespan in the US, Updated version of NBER Working Paper #31034, March 2024.  Under revision for the American Economic Review. (Joint with Neil DuzettAdriana Lleras-MuneyNolan G. Pope and Joseph Price.)

The (Un)Importance of Inheritance, NBER Working Paper #29693, January 2022. Conditionally accepted, Journal of the European Economic Association. (Joint with Paul J. DevereuxFanny Landaud, and Kjell G. Salvanes.)


Taking it To the Limit: Effects of Increased Student Loan Availability on Attainment, Earnings, and Financial Well-Being,  American Economic Review. Volume 113, Number 12, December 2023. (Joint with Jeffrey T. DenningLisa DettlingSarena Goodman, and Lesley Turner.)  Online Appendix.

In the news: NY Times 

Where Does Wealth Come From? Journal of Economic Perspectives. Volume 37, Number 4, Fall 2023. (Joint with Paul J. DevereuxFanny Landaud, and Kjell G. Salvanes.)

Winners and Losers? The Effect of Gaining and Losing Access to Selective Colleges on Education and Labor Market Outcomes, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Volume 15, Number 1, January 2023. (Joint with Jeffrey T. Denning and Jesse Rothstein.)

In the news: Inside Higher EdThe Weeds, This American Life

Gender and InheritancesAEA Papers and Proceedings, Volume 111, May 2022. (Joint with Paul J. DevereuxFanny Landaud, and Kjell G. Salvanes.)

Government Aid and Child Refugees’ Economic Success Later in Life: Evidence from Post-WWII GDR RefugeesLabour Economics. Volume 75, April 2022. (Joint with Hannah Liepmann, Camille Remigereau, Alexandra Spitz-Oener.)

Sibling SpilloversThe Economic Journal. Volume 131, Issue 633, January 2021. (Joint with Sanni Breining, David Figlio, Jonathan Guryan, Krzysztof Karbownik, Helena Skyt Nielsen, Jeffrey Roth, and Marianne Simonsen.) (Ungated working paper)

The Importance of STEM: High School Knowledge, Skills, and Occupations in an Era of Growing Inequality, Research Policy, Volume 50, Issue 7, September 2021. (Joint with Chandra Muller, Alexandra Spitz-Oener, Ziwei He, Koit Hung, and John Robert Warren.)

Poor Little Rich Kids? The Role of Nature versus Nurture in Wealth and Other Economic Outcomes and BehaviorsReview of Economic Studies. Volume 87, Issue 4, July 2020. (Joint with Paul Devereux, Petter Lundborg, and Kaveh Majlesi.) (Ungated working paper)

In the news: The Atlantic, FiveThirtyEight, KUT Austin

Breaking the Glass Ceiling? The Effect of Board Quotas on Female Labor Market Outcomes in NorwayReview of Economic Studies. Volume 86, Issue 1, January 2019.  (Joint with Marianne Bertrand, Sissel Jensen, and Adriana Lleras-Muney.) (Ungated working paper)

In the news: NY TimesThe Nation

This Is Only a Test? Long-Run and Intergenerational Impacts of Prenatal Exposure to Radioactive Fallout, Review of Economics and Statistics. Volume 101, Issue 3, July 2019. (Joint with Aline Bütikofer, Paul Devereux, and Kjell Salvanes.) (Ungated working paper)

Apply Yourself:  Racial and Ethnic Differences in College Application, Education Finance and Policy, Volume 15, Issue 2, Spring 2020. (Joint with Kalena Cortes and Jane Lincove.) (Ungated working paper)

Born to Lead?  The Effect of Birth Order on Non-Cognitive Skills, Review of Economics and Statistics. May 2018, Volume C, Number 2.(Joint with Erik Grönqvist and Björn Öckert.) (Ungated working paper)

Learning to Take Risks?  The Effect of Education on Risk-Taking in Financial Markets, Review of Finance.  May 2018, Volume 22, Issue 3. (Joint with Paul Devereux, Petter Lundborg, and Kaveh Majlesi.) (Ungated working paper)

On the Origins of Risk Taking in Financial Markets, Journal of Finance. October 2017, Volume 72, Issue 5. (Joint with Paul Devereux, Petter Lundborg, and Kaveh Majlesi.) Online Appendix. (Ungated working paper)

Healthy(?), Wealthy, and Wise:  Birth Order and Adult HealthEconomics and Human Biology, December 2016, Volume 23C. (Joint with Paul Devereux and Kjell Salvanes.) (Ungated working paper)

Efficacy vs. Equity:  What Happens When States Tinker with College Admissions in a Race-Blind Era?  Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, June 2016, Volume 38. (Joint with Kalena E. Cortes and Jane Arnold Lincove.)(Ungated working paper)

In the news: Washington PostDiverse Education

Does Grief Transfer across Generations?  Bereavements during Pregnancy and Child Outcomes, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Volume 8, Number 1, January 2016. (Joint with Paul Devereux and Kjell Salvanes.) (Ungated working paper)

Losing Heart? The Effect of Job Displacement on Health,  Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Volume 68, Issue 4, August 2015. (Joint with Paul Devereux and Kjell Salvanes.) (Ungated working paper)

Can You Leave High School Behind? Economics of Education Review, Volume 46, June 2015. (Joint with Jenna Cullinane, Rachel Douglas, and Jane Lincove.) (Ungated working paper)

Academic Undermatching of High-Achieving Minority Students: Evidence from “Race-Neutral” and Holistic Admissions PoliciesAmerican Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, Volume 105, Number 5, May 2015. (Joint with Kalena Cortes and Jane Lincove.) 

Cash or Care?  The Effect of Childcare Subsidies on Academic OutcomesReview of Economics and Statistics, Volume 96, Issue 5, pages 824-837, 2014. (Joint with Paul Devereux, Katrine Loken, and Kjell Salvanes.) (Ungated working paper)

Under Pressure?  The Effect of Peers on Outcomes of Young AdultsJournal of Labor Economics, Volume 31, Number 1, pages 119-153, January 2013.  (Joint with Paul Devereux and Kjell Salvanes.) (Ungated working paper)

Too Young to Leave the Nest?  The Effects of School Starting AgeReview of Economics and Statistics, Volume 93, Number 2, pages 455-467, May 2011.  (Joint with Paul Devereux and Kjell Salvanes.) (Ungated working paper)

Older and Wiser?  Birth Order and IQ of Young Men, CESifo Economic Studies, Volume 57, Issue 1, March 2011. (Joint with Paul Devereux and Kjell Salvanes.) (Ungated working paper)

Recent Developments in Intergenerational Mobility, in Handbook of Labor Economics, Orley Ashenfelter and David Card, editors, North Holland Press, Elsevier, 2011.  Also available as NBER Working Paper Number 15889, April 2010. (Joint with Paul Devereux.) (Ungated working paper)

Housing Valuation and School Performance, in Handbook of the Economics of Education, Eric Hanushek, Stephen Machin, and Ludger Wossman, editors, North Holland Press, Elsevier, 2011.  (Joint with Stephen Machin.) 

Explaining Women’s Success:  Technological Change and the Skill Content of Women’s WorkReview of Economics and Statistics, Volume 92, Issue 1, February 2010. (Joint with Alexandra Spitz-Oener.) (Ungated working paper)

Longterm Trends in Schooling: The Rise and Decline (?) of Public Education in the United States, in Handbook of the Economics of Education, Volume 1, Eric A. Hanushek and Finis Welch, editors, Elsevier, 2006. (Joint with Kenneth L. Sokoloff.) (Ungated chapter)

Importing Equality? The Effects of Globalization on Gender DiscriminationIndustrial and Labor Relations Review, Volume 57, Number 4, 540-559, July 2004. (Joint with Elizabeth Brainerd.) (Ungated working paper)

What’s Driving the New Economy: Understanding the Role of Workplace PracticesEconomic Journal, Volume 114, Number 493, F97-116, February 2004. (Joint with Lisa Lynch.) (Ungated working paper)

How Workers Fare When Employers InnovateIndustrial Relations, Volume 43, Issue 1, 44-66, January 2004. (Joint with Lisa M. Lynch and Anya Krivelyova.) (Ungated working paper)

Entrepreneurship and Bank StructureJournal of Finance, Volume 57, Number 6, 2807-33, December, 2002. (Joint with Philip Strahan.) 

The Division of Spoils: Rent Sharing and Discrimination in a Regulated IndustryAmerican Economic Review, Volume 91, Issue 4, 814-31, September 2001. (Joint with Philip Strahan.)

How to Compete: The Impact of Workplace Practices and Information Technology on ProductivityReview of Economics and Statistics, Volume 83, Issue 3, 434-445, August 2001. (Joint with Lisa M. Lynch.) Awarded Honorable Mention for the Minnesota Award honoring the best article published in a refereed journal on the role of institutions in the employment relationship or labor market in the last two years. (Ungated working paper)

The Rise of Female Professionals: Women’s Response to Rising Skill DemandAmerican Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, Volume 90, Issue 2, 450-455, May 2000. (Joint with Chinhui Juhn.)

Investigating the Link between Competition and DiscriminationMonthly Labor Review, December 1999. 

Do Better Schools Matter? Parental Valuation of Elementary EducationQuarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 114, Issue 2, May 1999.

Meet The New Borrowers, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Current Issues in Economics and Finance, February 1999. (Joint with Donald P. Morgan.)

Beyond the Incidence of TrainingIndustrial and Labor Relations Review, Volume 55, Issue 1, 6481, October 1998. (Joint with Lisa M. Lynch.) (Ungated working paper)

Measuring the Value of Better SchoolsEconomic Policy Review, March 1998.

Human Capital Strategy and Productivity OutcomesAmerican Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 86(2), 263-267, May 1996. (Joint with Lisa M. Lynch.)